

just come back from maison club...^^
wow...feel good now...dunno why...haha^^
erm...i wan to learn dance lah...who wan to teach me???^^
haha...them all call me dance together...but i dunno how to dance...omg^^
but i love clubbing so so so much^^haha...
see ming huei at there...
and he say he still love me...omg=='''
but my answer is...''i also love you MY FRIEND''

and i tell him im that one no good de...
but he still answer me...
love you will never care about you is how...
omg...and he say he really miss me...=huei thank you miss me alway o...^^
he also have say...he are sad,bcz he din treasure me before...
but my answer is...never mind...this ok...bcz this past...
then no need to think about this again...
we just can be a friend..^^
ours 10.30pm go until 3.30am...
great luh^^love there...because is more people...^^
photo at shi jia phone...then just wait her upload lu^^
P/S:i love beloved that feel^^yeah=)

